Solar System


Solar System

Solar System Essay Type Questions And Answers

1.     a) Is the solar system just a tiny portion of the universe?

Answer: Yes.

        b) Beyond the Earth’s atmosphere is space. Name three things that can be found in space.


·        The Sun.

·        Planets.

·        Heavenly bodies.

        c) What is the solar system made up of?


·        The Sun.

·        The eight planets.

·        Heavenly bodies.

2. Name five heavenly bodies of the solar system.


·        Comets.

·        Meteors.

·        Asteroids.

·        Planets.

·        Stars.

·        Planetoids.

3. What is astronomy?

Answer: Astronomy is the study of the universe and the relationship between the heavenly bodies.

4. Who is an astronaut?

Answer: An astronaut is a person trained to be able to travel in space rocket to space.

5. What is referred to as “orbit”?

Answer: Orbit is the curved path of a body. A body could be a planet, a satellite or spacecraft.

6. What are asteroids?

Answer: An asteroid is any of the small rocky celestial bodies found especially between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

7. What is a meteor?

Answer: A meteor is a piece of rock or metal that burns very brightly when it enters the Earth’s atmosphere from space.

8. What is a comet?

Answer: A comet is an object that travels around the Sun leaving a bright trail (stream of gas and dust) behind it.

9. What is a planet?

Answer: A planet is a large body in space that revolves around the Sun or another star.

10. Write three definitions of a star?


·        It is a natural heavenly body that burns to produce heat and light.

·        It is a glowing ball of hot gas in space.

·        It is a massive, luminous ball of plasma (gas) that is held together by gravity.

11.    a) The nearest star to the Earth is

Answer: The Sun.

        b) Are others stars visible in the night sky when they are not outshone by the Sun?

Answer: Yes.

        c) What object contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of the solar system? It is by far the largest object in the solar system.

Answer: The Sun.

12.    a) What are stars made of?

Answer: Stars are made of 71% hydrogen, 27% helium and the remaining 2% being elements like iron, carbon, oxygen and others.

        b) Who are astronomers?

Answer: Astronomers are people who study the stars.

        c) Mention three things that make up a galaxy.


·        Stars.

·        Space dust.

·        Gas.

13.    a i) Does the combination of stars, space dust and gas take on several shapes?

Answer: Yes.

        a ii) Mention one shape that a galaxy could assume.

Answer: Spiral.

        b) Do stars, dust and gas swirl around in perfect form?

Answer: Yes.

        c) A large group of many stars in the universe is a

Answer: Galaxy.

        d i) Are there many galaxies within the universe?

Answer: Yes.

        d ii) Do galaxies range in size from 1 million to 1 trillion stars?

Answer: Yes.

14. The galaxy which contains our solar system is

Answer: The Milky Way galaxy.

15.    a) Is the Milky Way galaxy the group of planets and stars that the Earth belongs to?

Answer: Yes.

        b) Is the Milky Way galaxy spirally shaped?

Answer: Yes.

        c) All the stars the eye can distinguish in the night sky are part of which galaxy?

Answer: The Milky Way galaxy.

        d) How did the Milky Way galaxy get its name?

Answer: The Milky Way galaxy gets its name from the light produced by all the stars inside it. From the Earth, the light looks like a band of milky white light across the night sky.

16.    a) Is it true that large galaxies frequently ‘eat’ smaller galaxies? When a smaller galaxy gets too close a larger galaxy, the larger galaxy ‘sucks’ the smaller galaxy in; the two become one.

Answer: Yes.

        b) Do galaxies ‘die’ when the stars inside them burn out?

Answer: Yes.

        c) What happens when the matter that supplies the stars the necessary fuel to burn brightly runs out?

Answer: The stars fade into darkness.

        d) What happens when all the stars of a galaxy are gone?

Answer: The galaxy ceases to exist in space.

17.    a) Does the Earth receive almost all of its radiation from the Sun’s radiation?

Answer: Yes.

        b) What has the most dominating influence on the changing climate of various locations on Earth at different times of the year?

Answer: The Sun.

        c) What causes the day and night phenomenon?

Answer: The rotation of the Earth about its axis.

        d) Does the Sun’s gravity keep the Earth in its orbit around the Sun?

Answer: Yes.

18.    a) Does the Sun’s heat and light provide electromagnetic energy which provides light used by plants to grow and reproduce?

Answer: Yes.

        b) Does the Sun’s heat and light provide electromagnetic energy which provides heat to keep the planet from freezing?

Answer: Yes.

19.    a) Are planets solid in nature?

Answer: Yes.

        b) Do planets move around the Sun?

Answer: Yes.

        c) Which is bigger, planets or stars?

Answer: Stars.

20.    a) Are stars made up of burning masses of gases?

Answer: Yes.

        b) Do stars produce heat and light?

Answer: Yes.

        c) Are stars believed to be stationary? That is, they do not move.

Answer: Yes.

21. Write the correct order of the eight planets by their distance from the Sun.

Answer: Mercury -> Venus -> Earth -> Mars -> Jupiter -> Saturn -> Uranus -> Neptune.

22. Write the four inner planets.


·        Mercury

·        Venus

·        Earth

·        Mars

23. Write the four outer planets.

·        Jupiter

·        Saturn

·        Uranus

·        Neptune

24. The smallest and closest planet to the sun is

Answer: Mercury.

25. Which of the planets is the brightest of all the planets when viewed from the Earth? It cannot support life because it has a high temperature and a cloudy atmosphere made up of carbon dioxide and other poisonous gases?

Answer: Venus.

26. The planet that is believed to be the hottest planet is

Answer: Venus.

27. The only known planet that supports plant and animal life is

Answer: Earth.

28. List four reasons why Earth is able to support life.

Answer: Earth is able to support life due to the presence of the following:

·        Air (Oxygen).

·        Water.

·        Suitable temperature.

·        Ozone layer.

29. The planet that is known as ‘Earth twin’ because it has almost the same size as Earth is

Answer: Venus.

30. The planet that is referred to as ‘morning star’ because it can be seen early in the morning is

Answer: Venus.

31. Which planet is called the red planet because about half of its surface appears red? It is believed to be rocky and cannot support plant and animal life.

Answer: Mars.

32. The largest of all the planets is

Answer: Jupiter.

33. Give two reasons why Jupiter cannot support plant and animal life.


·        It has a cold temperature.

·        It is surrounded by poisonous gases.

34.    a) Is Saturn the second largest planet?

Answer: Yes.

        b) Does Saturn have a series of colourful rings around its equator?

Answer: Yes.

        c) Is it true that Saturn has a cold temperature and cannot support life?

Answer: Yes.

        d) Is it true that Saturn can be seen with the naked eye and is the flattest planet?

Answer: Yes.

35.    a) Is it true that Uranus has no solid surface?

Answer: Yes.

        b) Is it true that Uranus is one of the giant planets? The others are Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.

Answer: Yes.

        c) Is it true that Uranus orbits the Sun lying on its side; it takes 84 years to complete one orbit?

Answer: Yes.

        d) How many moons has Uranus got?

Answer: 27.

36. Why does Uranus have a blue-green colour?

Answer: Most of the centre of Uranus is a frozen mass of ammonia and methane.

37. Does the atmosphere of Uranus contain hydrogen and helium?

Answer: Yes.

38. The most distant planet from the Sun in our solar system is

Answer: Neptune.

39. The planet that is believed to have 14 moons is

Answer: Neptune.

40.    a) Can Neptune be seen with the unaided eye?

Answer: No.

        b) Does Neptune spin on its axis very rapidly?

Answer: Yes.

        c) Mention three gases found in the atmosphere of Neptune.


·        Hydrogen.

·        Helium.

·        Methane.

d) Which planet has only been visited by one spacecraft; this event occurred in August, 1989?

Answer: Neptune.

41. The Sun is entirely composed of burning gases such as

Answer: Hydrogen and Helium.

42. There are large holes on the moon called

Answer: craters.

43. The core of the moon is metallic iron with small amounts of

Answer: sulphur and nickel.

44.    a) Mention six elements found on the moon’s crust.


·        Oxygen

·        Silicon

·        Magnesium

·        Iron

·        Calcium

·        Aluminium

b i) The large holes found on the moon are called

Answer: craters.

        b ii) Bigger holes than craters found on the moon are called

Answer: Apollo.

        c) Why is the moon believed to have no atmosphere?

Answer: Its atmosphere is too small. The moon has no air, water and wind.

        d) How long does it take the moon to make one revolution round the Earth? Approximately

Answer: 28 days.

45. Mention three things that make up Earth.


·        Rocks.

·        Air.

·        Water.

46. Mention the three main parts that make up the rocks of Earth.


·        The core.

·        The mantle.

·        The crust.

47.    a) The core of the Earth is divided into two main parts. Name them.


·        A solid inner core (with a radius of 1250 km)

·        A liquid outer core (with a radius of 3500 km)

b) The inner core of the Earth is believed to be solid. Name the two main elements that are believed to make up the inner core.


·        Iron.

·        Nickel.

c) What is the depth of the Earth’s mantle?

Answer: 2890 km.

        d) The outer core of the Earth surrounds the inner core. Name two elements that are believed to make up outer core.


·        Liquid iron.

·        Liquid nickel.

48. The layer of the Earth where we live is the

Answer: crust.

49.    a) Mention two substances that could be found in Earth’s mantle.


·        Iron.

·        Magnesium.

b) Is Earth’s mantle thicker than the crust?

Answer: Yes.

        c) Does the Earth’s crust range from 5 km to 70 km in depth?

Answer: Yes.

        d) Is the Earth the only known planet whose surface has liquid water?

Answer: Yes.

50. Water covers 71% of the Earth’s surface. 97% of it is sea water and the remaining 3% is

Answer: fresh water.

51.    a) The Earth’s crust is divided into two main categories. Name them.


·        Oceanic crust (thin crust)

·        Continental crust (thicker crust)

b i) Mention the substances that make up oceanic crust.


·        Iron.

·        Magnesium silicate rocks.

b ii) Mention the substances that make up continental crust?


·        Sodium.

·        Potassium.

·        Aluminium.

·        Silicate rocks.

b iii) Which is denser, oceanic or continental crust?

Answer: Oceanic crust.

        c) Is the iron found in oceanic crust dense iron?

Answer: Yes.

        d) Is it true that iron and magnesium silicate rocks underlie the ocean basins?

Answer: Yes.

52. Mention the components of Earth’s atmosphere and their relative percentages.








Rare gases


Carbon dioxide


Water vapour


Dust particles



53. What is a satellite?

Answer: A satellite is a smaller body that moves around a bigger body in space.

54. Why is the Earth a satellite?

Answer: The Earth is a satellite because it moves around the Sun.

55. What is a natural satellite?

Answer: A natural satellite is a type of satellite that is already in the universe, moving around another body.

56. Mention three examples of a natural satellite.


·        Mercury

·        Venus

·        Earth

·        Mars

·        Jupiter

·        Saturn

·        Uranus

·        Neptune

·        Moon

57. What is an artificial satellite?

Answer: An artificial satellite is a type of satellite that is launched into space by humans to move around the Earth or any other planet.

58.    a) Are natural satellites launched into space by humans?

Answer: No.

        b) Do natural satellites require engines?

Answer: No.

        c) Do natural satellites move at constant or unchangeable speeds while artificial satellites move at regulated speeds?

Answer: Yes.

        d) Is it true that natural satellites are permanent as compared to artificial satellites?

Answer: Yes.

59. Mention six uses of artificial satellites.

Answer: They are used for:

·        Weather forecasting.

·        Transmission of radio and television signals.

·        Scientific experimentation.

·        Space exploration.

·        Taking pictures or photographs of other planets.

·        Communication

60. Is it true that the solar system orbits around the center of the galaxy about once every 225 million years?

Answer: Yes.