Living and Non-Living Things For Basic 4 to 6

Woman Reading


Strand 1: Diversity of Matter

Sub-strand 1: Living and Non-living Things

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1. All the things around us can be put into two groups. Name them.


·        Living things

·        Non-living things

2a. Things that have life in them are called

Answer: living things.

b. State three examples of living things.


·        Plants

·        Animals

·        Bacteria

·        Fungi

·        Protozoa

3a. Things that do not have life in them are called

Answer: non-living things.

b. State three examples of non-living things.


·        Air

·        Soil

·        Water

4. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Some animals can be found at our homes.

II. Some animals can be found in bushes and forests.

III. Some animals live in water.

Answer: I, II and III.

5a. Animals that live with us in our homes are called

Answer: domestic animals.

b. State four examples of domestic animals.


·        Goat

·        Sheep

·        Cattle

·        Birds

·        Pig

·        Rabbit

·        Dog

6. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. All animals are classified into different groups based on their appearance (limbs, body covering, height, shape and size), where they live, how they move and what they eat.

II. Animals can be classified into insects, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Answer: I and II.

7. Insects belong to a class of animals known as

Answer: Insecta.

8a. The bodies of insects are divided into three main parts. Name them.


·        Head

·        Thorax

·        Abdomen

b. State three examples of insects.


·        Housefly

·        Mosquito

·        Grasshopper

9. How many legs are attached to the thorax of insects?

Answer: Six (6)

10. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Insects live everywhere.

II. Insects live in the forest, in the bush and in the soil.

III. Most insects feed on plant leaves and the nectar of flowers.

IV. Some insects like the butterfly and the bee have wings that help them to fly.

V. Insects like the ant can only crawl.

Answer: I, II, III, IV and V.

11. State one example of an insect that is covered with cuticles.

Answer: Grasshopper.

12. Animals that have two legs, two wings, feathers and a beak are called

Answer: Birds.

13. Which of the following statements is/are false?

I. Birds do not give birth; they lay eggs.

II. Birds live with us in our home and in our community.

III. Some birds live in the forest and in the bush.

IV. Most birds feed on grains, fruits and smaller animals like worms and insects.

V. Birds do not lay eggs; they give birth.

Answer: V.

14. There are birds that can fly and there are birds that cannot fly. Birds that cannot fly can either walk or hop. Name three examples of birds that cannot fly.


·        Ostrich

·        Turkey

·        Peacock

15a. Some birds are big. List three examples of big birds.


·        Ostrich

·        Eagle

·        Turkey

·        Peacock

b. Some birds are small. List three examples of small birds.


·        Robin

·        Parrot

·        Dove

·        Pigeon

16. Animals that have fur or hair on their bodies are called

Answer: mammals.

17. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Most mammals have four legs.

II. Human beings are mammals with two legs.

III. Most mammals give birth to their young ones.

IV. Examples of mammals that give birth are cow, goat, sheep, rabbit, elephant, dog, giraffe, monkey and cat.

V. A group of mammals that lay eggs are called monotremes.

VI. Examples of monotremes are spiny anteater and platypus.

Answer: I, II, III, IV, V and VI.

18. Bats are the only mammals that can

Answer: fly.

19. Animals that have their bodies covered with dry scales are called

Answer: reptiles.

20. Which of the following statements is/are false?

I. Reptiles lay eggs.

II. Reptiles do not lay eggs; they give birth.

III. Most reptiles live on both land and in water.

IV. Though most reptiles live on land and in water, reptiles are not amphibians.

V. Some reptiles have legs while others do not have legs.

Answer: II.

21. a) State one example of a reptile without legs.

Answer: Snake.

b) State four examples of reptiles with legs.


·        Lizard

·        Tortoise

·        Chameleon

·        Crocodile.

22. Plants can be grouped according to their

Answer: roots.

23. Under the primary root system, there are two main types of plants. Name them.


·        Plants with tap root system

·        Plants with fibrous root system

24. The part of the plant that is under the soil is called the

Answer: root.

25. A network of all the roots of a plant is called a

Answer: root system.

26. The root system is very important to the growth and development of plants. List four importance of roots.


·        Roots hold the plant firmly in the soil.

·        Roots take in water from the soil.

·        Roots take in nutrients from the soil.

·        Some roots store food the plant has produced.

27. Cassava, carrot and cocoyam store food in their

Answer: roots.

28. Plants have different kinds of root.

a) Some plants have thick roots that go deep into the

Answer: soil.

b) Other plants have a number of

Answer: thin short roots.

29. Plant roots can be grouped into two basic types. Name them.


·        Adventitious root system

·        Primary root system

30. a) The root system that grows from the stem of a plant or even from the leaves is called the

Answer: adventitious root system.

b) State two examples of plants that have adventitious roots.


·        Mangrove plant

·        Begonias

31. a) The main root of the plant that is first formed which originates from the radicle of an embryo (seed)  is the

Answer: primary root.

b) Name the two types of the primary root system.


·        Tap root system

·        Fibrous root system

32. A large, central and dominant root from which other roots sprout laterally is called the

Answer: tap root.

33. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. A typical taproot system has a main root which is straight and very thick, is pointed in shape, and grows directly downward.

II. Tap roots are normally found in dicotyledonous plants like the bean plants and mango.

III. Examples of plants that have tap roots are cassava, carrot, sweet potato, mango and orange.

Answer: I, II and III.

34. A system of roots of the same size that grows out from the stem without any main root is called the

Answer: fibrous root system.

35. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. The fibrous root system is normally found in monocotyledonous plants.

II. Examples of plants that have fibrous roots are maize, millet, rice, grass, onion, oil palm and coconut.

Answer: I and II.

36. The following statements are differences between tap roots and fibrous roots. Which of them are correct?

I. Tap roots belong to the dicotyledonous group of plants while fibrous roots belong to the monocotyledonous group of plants.

II. Tap roots have several thinner roots growing out from the main root while fibrous roots have several thinner roots growing out from the plant shoot.

III. Tap roots have a main root while fibrous roots have no main root.

IV. Tap roots have one main root while fibrous roots have roots of the same size.

Answer: I, II, III and IV.

37. Name six special kinds of roots.


·        Aerial roots

·        Buttress roots

·        Stilt roots

·        Clasping roots

·        Breathing roots

·        Prop roots

38. Roots that absorb water from the atmosphere are called

Answer: aerial roots.

39. Aerial roots such as epiphytes grow on other trees such as orchids and tropical swamp trees. Name two of such tropical swamp trees.


·        Mangroves.

·        Banyan trees.

40. Roots that support big trees are called

Answer: buttress roots.

41. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Buttress roots are named so because they prevent the tree from falling over.

II. Buttress roots gather more nutrients.

III. Buttress roots are normally found in big tall forest trees such as silk cotton tree.

Answer: I, II and III.

42. Roots that are above ground level and support trees in muddy waters are called

Answer: stilt roots.

43. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Stilt roots are usually found on trees that grow in swamps and are bigger than all the other branch roots.

II. An example of a plant with stilt root is the red mangrove.

Answer: I and II.

44. Roots that help climbing plants to climb around their support are called

Answer: clasping roots.

45. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. A plant that comes with clasping roots usually has a weak stem.

II. Clasping roots grow from the nodes of their stem.

Answer: I and II.

46. Money plant is an example of a plant with clasping roots that grasps on an upright wooden stick for

Answer: support.

47. Roots that help plants to respire are called

Answer: breathing roots.

48. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Plants in a soil which is poorly aerated and has little nutrients develop roots that grow upwards out of the soil to breathe in air.

II. Breathing roots grow in the coastal areas or river banks.

Answer: I and II.

49. Roots that grow from the stem or branches above the ground into the soil to give the plant additional support are called

Answer: prop roots.

50. State one example of a plant with prop roots.

Answer: Maize.

51. The things that living things do that show they have life are called

Answer: life processes.

52. a) The ability of living things to change position is known as

Answer: movement.

b) Plants such as the mimosa respond to stimuli by closing its

Answer: leaves.

53. a) The ability of living things to move from one place to another is known as

Answer: locomotion.

b) State two reasons for why animals move about.


·        Animals move about to search for food.

·        Animals move about to search for shelter.

54. List six different ways by which animals move about.


·        Galloping

·        Crawling

·        Flying

·        Swimming

·        Walking

·        Hopping

55. Animals that have legs move about by walking or running. List four examples of animals that move about by walking or running.


·        Cattle

·        Sheep

·        Goat

·        Pig

·        Rabbit

·        Cat

·        Dog

·        Giraffe

·        Elephant

56. a) Animals that live in water move about by swimming. State four examples of animals that swim.


·        Tilapia

·        Tuna

·        Salmon

·        Octopus

·        Crab

·        Turtle

b) Fishes use their fins to swim in water. List three examples of fishes.


·        Tilapia

·        Tuna

·        Salmon

57. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Most birds fly. Birds use their wings to fly.

II. Eagle, parrot, pigeon and owl are examples of birds that fly.

III. The ostrich is a bird that cannot fly.

IV. There are insects that have wings which help them to fly. Housefly, mosquito, butterfly and bee are examples of such insects.

Answer: I, II, III, and IV.

58. Animals without legs move about by crawling. State three examples of animals that move about by crawling.


·        Snake

·        Snail

·        Earthworm

59. Hopping animals are animals that jump from one point to another. State three examples of animals that move about by hopping.


·        Rabbit

·        Grasshopper

·        Kangaroo

60. a) Animals like the horse that move about very fast by lifting all four of its feet at the same time are called

Answer: galloping animals.

b) List three examples of galloping animals.


·        Horse

·        Zebra

·        Giraffe

61. a) The ability of living things to obtain nutrients from food is called

Answer: nutrition.

b) Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Plants get their nutrients from the soil.

II. Animals depend on plants or other animals for food (nutrients).

III. Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores.

IV. Animals that eat only other animals are called carnivores.

V. Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

Answer: I, II, III, IV and V.

62. Insects like the butterfly draw up nectar and water from

Answer: flowers.

63. Which part of houseflies is used to collect liquids and solid food particles? Their

Answer: spongy mouthparts.

64. State four examples of insects that bite or sting.


·        Tsetsefly

·        Mosquito

·        Ant

·        Bee

65. Which of the following statements about birds is/are true?

I. They use their beaks to pick foods such as grains, worms and insects.

II. They do not have teeth for chewing.

III. Birds swallow food directly.

IV. When food is too large to swallow, birds break the food into smaller pieces using their beak.

Answer: I, II, III and IV.

66. a) Most mammals feed on plants and other

Answer: animals.

b) State three examples of herbivores.


·        Cattle

·        Goat

·        Sheep

c) State two examples of carnivores.


·        Lion

·        Tiger

67. Some reptiles feed on plants and other animals. An example of a reptile that eats vegetables, leaves and grasses is the

Answer: tortoise.

68. Frogs feed on insects using their long

Answer: tongues.

69. Name two animals that big snakes like the python can swallow.


·        Antelope

·        Zebra

70. Which of the following statements is/are false?

I. Crocodiles feed on other animals like frog and fish.

II. Crocodiles can attack and eat large animals like the zebra and antelope.

III. Crocodiles belong to a class of animals known as insecta.

Answer: III.

71. The process by which living things increase in number is referred to as

Answer: reproduction.

72. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. The process by which animals make their own babies is called reproduction.

II. Some animals make their own babies by laying eggs.

III. Some animals make their own babies by giving birth to them.

Answer: I, II and III.

Use the information that follows to answer questions 73 and 74.

Some animals make their own babies by laying eggs. After the eggs are laid, the babies grow inside the egg until they form fully and are ready to come out.

73. The egg shell cracks open and the babies come out from the shell. This is called

Answer: hatching.

74. State five examples of animals that lay eggs.


·        Hen

·        Duck

·        Snake

·        Tortoise

·        Lizard

·        Fish

Use the information below to answer question 75.

Some animals give birth and do not lay eggs. These animals are mammals. Mammals become pregnant and carry their babies for some time until they are born.

75. a) State five examples of mammals that give birth.


·        Cattle.

·        Goat.

·        Sheep.

·        Pig.

·        Elephant.

b) The babies of mammals have special names.

i) A baby cattle is called a

Answer: calf.

ii) A baby goat is called a

Answer: kid.

iii) A baby sheep is called a

Answer: lamb.

iv) A baby pig is called a

Answer: piglet.

The following is a list of living things. Use the list to answer question 76.

Cow, Cock, Housefly, Tiger, Spider, Goat, Mango, Crocodile, Tortoise, Frog, Parrot, Dog, Ant, Snake, Pineapple, Elephant, Pig, and Leopard

76. a) Which of the living things are reptiles?


·        Crocodile

·        Tortoise

·        Snake

b) Which of the living things are plants?


·        Mango

·        Pineapple

c) Which of the living things are amphibians?

Answer: Frog.

77. The ability of living things to increase in size is called

Answer: growth.

78. The ability of living things to break down complex food substances into smaller substances to produce energy with or without the help of oxygen is called

Answer: respiration.

79. a) Gaseous exchange in living things is also known as

Answer: breathing.

b) The inhaling of oxygen and the exhaling of oxygen is known as

Answer: breathing.

c) In humans, gaseous exchange takes place in the alveoli of

Answer: lungs.

The following is a list of the constituents of air. Use it to answer question 80 to 83.

“Nitrogen – 78%, Oxygen – 21%, Noble gases – 1%, Carbon dioxide – 0.03%, Water vapour – variable, Dust particles – variable”

80. Which part of air do animals breathe in?

Answer: Oxygen

81. Which part of air do plants absorb during respiration?

Answer: Oxygen.

82. Which part of air do plants absorb during photosynthesis?

Answer: Carbon dioxide.

83. During respiration, which of the constituents is exhaled by plants and animals?

Answer: Carbon dioxide.

84. What do animals need to break down complex food substances into simpler substances in order to produce or release energy for the body?

Answer: Oxygen.

85. a) The main product of respiration is

Answer: energy.

b) The waste or by-products of respiration are


·        Carbon dioxide

·        Water

86. Carbon dioxide, water, sunlight and chlorophyll are used by plants to make their own

Answer: food.

87. During photosynthesis, the food of plants is stored in the form of

Answer: glucose.

88. a) The main product of photosynthesis is

Answer: glucose.

b) The by-product of photosynthesis is

Answer: oxygen.

89. Which of the following statements about plants is/are true?

I. Plants respire all the time, day and night.

II. Photosynthesis only occurs during the day when there is sunlight.

III. Plants don’t have lungs so they don’t breathe.

IV. Plants trap in carbon dioxide by diffusion or absorbtion.

Answer: I, II, III and IV.

90. Exchange of gases in plants takes place in the

Answer: stomata of leaves.

91. Plant leaves have tiny holes called

Answer: stomata.

92. The loss of water in the leaves of plant is termed

Answer: transpiration.

93. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. The stomata opens and closes regularly.

II. The stomata opens to allow the entry of carbon dioxide and heat energy.

III. The stomata opens to allow the exit of water and oxygen into the atmosphere.

IV. The stomata closes at night to stop much water from leaving the plant.

Answer: I, II, III and IV.

94. The ability of living things to respond to stimuli or changes in their environment is called

Answer: sensitivity.

95. Another term for sensitivity is

Answer: irritability.

96. Mention five things plants can respond to.


·        Light

·        Gravity

·        Changes in temperature

·        Chemicals

·        Touch

97. The ability of living things to remove waste materials from their bodies is called

Answer: excretion.

98. Name three excretory organs of animals and their excretory products.


Excretory organ

Excretory product






Carbon dioxide


99. Excess water and oxygen in plants is excreted through the

Answer: stomata.

100. When animals fart, the gas that comes out is called

Answer: carbon dioxide.

101. Plants can be put into four groups. Name them.


·        Trees

·        Shrubs

·        Climbing plants

·        Creeping plants

102. The biggest and tallest types of plants are called

Answer: trees.

103. Which of the following statements about trees is/are correct?

I. Trees have very wide, hard and woody stems.

II. The stem of a tree is called a trunk.

III. Leaves, flowers and fruits grow on the branches of trees.

IV. Trees can live for a long time.

V. Most trees live for as long as hundred years.

VI. Some examples of trees are Neem tree, Mango tree, Baobab tree and Mahogany tree.

Answer: I, II, III, IV, V and VI.

104. Plants that are like trees but are shorter than trees are called

Answer: shrubs.

105. Which of the following statements about shrubs is/are true?

I. Shrubs are hard and woody with lots of stems and branches.

II. Shrubs can live for many years.

III. A shrub can be referred to as a bush.

IV. Cotton plant, hibiscus plant and rose plant are examples of shrubs.

Answer: I, II, III and IV.

106. Climbing plants are also known as

Answer: climbers.

107. Which of the following is/are true?

I. Climbing plants have weak and thin stems so they cannot stand and grow straight on their own.

II. Climbers climb on other plants or objects such as sticks, poles and walls for support.

III. Examples of climbing plants are yam plant, morning glory plant, grape plant and bean plant.

Answer: I, II and III.

108. Creeping plants are also known as

Answer: creepers.

109. Plants that grow by moving along the surface of the soil are called

Answer: creeping plants.

110. State why creeping plants cannot stand straight but can only move along (creep) the surface of the soil.

Answer: Because of their weak and soft stems.

111. State three examples of creeping plants.


·        Watermelon plant

·        Cucumber plant

·        Sweet potato plant

112. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Snakes move on their bellies.

II. Crocodile, lizard and chameleon move on the limbs.

III. Snails and tortoises move slowly by crawling.

IV. Few reptiles like crocodiles and snakes live in water and on land.

V. Reptiles are not tall animals.

Answer: I, II, III, IV and V.  

113. The hard outer covering that protects the organs of insects and gives insects the support they need to move around is called

Answer: exoskeleton.

114. Which of the following amphibians does not have limbs?

I. Frog

II. Toad

III. Salamander

IV. Newt

V. Caecilian

Answer: Caecilian.

115. Which of the following statements about amphibians is/are true?

I. They are a group of animals that can survive in water and on land.

II. On land, amphibians can only survive in a moist environment.

III. Amphibians have thin, smooth and slimy skin.

IV. In water, amphibians breathe and absorb water through their thin skin.

V. On land, they breathe through their lungs.

VI. Most amphibians feed on insects and earthworms.

Answer: I, II, III, IV, V and VI.

116. List three examples of mammals that are small in size.


·        Bat

·        Spiny anteater

·        Mouse

117. List three examples of mammals that are big.


·        Human being

·        Elephant

·        Lion

118. A leaf, firewood, bone and feathers are examples of things that were once alive or

Answer: dead things.

119. Which of the following is correctly matched to its examples?

I. Wood materials – table, chair and pencil.

II. Metal materials – ladle, cutlass, roofing sheet and ring.

III. Leather materials – bag, belt, sandals, shoes and football.

IV. Plastic materials – bowl, spoon, football and plate.

V. Rubber materials – balloon, tubes and polythene bags.

VI. Clay materials – cooking pot, water closet and grinding pot.

VII. Glass materials – cup, bottle, plate and bowl.

Answer: I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII.

120. Non-living things that were once alive are called

Answer: dead things.